Extraordinary meeting 10 August

Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend an extra meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council which will be held on Tuesday 10th August 2021 at 7.30p.m. in the small hall, St Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

…………………………. 4th August 2021
Mrs Margaret K Boughton   Tel: 01754-760644
Retiring Clerk to the Parish Council

1)    Chairman’s remarks

2)    Apologies for absence and reasons given

3)    Election of new Vice-Chairman & Signing of Acceptance of Office form.

4)    Introduce the new Clerk and Handover 
5)    To Authorise payment of accounts
a)    Welton Garden Services – July Grass Cutting 

6)    To discuss Financial matters
a)    Sign off 1st qtr Financial Accounts which were distributed for July meeting but omitted from the agenda.
b)    Bank Accounts.

7)    To consider planning applications:  
Appn No: N/134/01514/21. PP : erection of a building comprising of merchandise shop, office, workshop with first floor restaurant and bar on site of existing building which is to be demolished and erection of 2no entrance turnstiles.  Land: Skegness Raceway,  Orby Road.   
Comments to ELDC Planning by 11/8/21.

8)    To discuss the Village Green
a)    Works required for safety reasons
b)    Signs and noticeboard.
9)    Date of next meeting – 14th September 2021