12 September

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held at 1930 hours on Tuesday 12 September 2023 at St. Peters Small Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells 

Councillors present: Chair N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr Roger Dawson (RD), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr Gavin Escott (GE), Cllr Lorna Hand (LH), Cllr Anthony Stubbins (AS) and Kerry Culley (Clerk)

Also present: 4 members of the public. 

Public session

•    The Chair announced there was to be a harvest supper and quiz night in the main hall of St Peters Hall on Tuesday 26 September.  Funds were being raised for Addlethorpe Parish Church.  All councillors were asked to attend if they could in order for the council to put a team forward.
•    A member of the public requested a new bin for the village green as the current one, which is a metal cage type bin had gone rotten.

79.    Chairman’s welcome - The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1940 hours.

80.    Apologies for absence – Apologies were received from County and District Cllr C Davie

81.    To receive any declarations of interest – None

82.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meetings held on Tuesday 11 July and Tuesday 15 August 2023 as a true record of the decisions made. – It was resolved to approve the minutes of the above meetings. These were signed by the Chair.
83.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie.
•    County Cllr Colin Davie was unable to attend the meeting. He asked the clerk to inform the meeting he was in discussions in relation to the renewed interest in onshore windfarms and was going on the politics show the next morning.  He also confirmed that spending had been secured for the Hides Lane area of Addlethorpe and the neighbouring parish of Burgh and that work would be taking place October/November time.
b.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings. 
•    RD informed the meeting he had attended the Outer Dowsing Meeting as District Councillor.  He explained the electric would be coming onshore at Anderby and be taken underground along the A52 past Addlethorpe towards Spalding.  The Alford Node had been ruled out as a base for the sub-station.  There would be access points to the underground cables every 500 yards which would potentially mean temporary construction works in the parish whilst the cabling was being installed.

84.    Planning
a.    To receive any updates and discuss the applications for:
i.    S/002/01844/21 Land South Of Mill Road, Addlethorpe. Signatures had been collected from members of the public.  It was confirmed RD would draft a letter to the Planning Inspectorate including the public signatures.  NT to pass the signatures he has obtained to RD
ii.    M Gildersleeves Response To Parish Council Letter. Council agreed the response should be published on the council website and facebook group by the clerk.
iii.    Any new or updated applications.  There were no new applications but a survey request had been received from Highways with regard to the roads and drains within the parish.  It was agreed the Councillors would complete the surveys on an individual basis should they have anything to raise.
b.      To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan  - RD informed the meeting it was still unclear whether Orby had yet got any councillors to support the joint Neighbourhood Plan.  RD and CD had attended a meeting at Welton to explain the plan.  However, Welton has still not committed so the Council may need to consider that Addlethorpe go it alone.  In order to do so RD requested more help as it is a large project which will require input from councillors as well as residents.  It was agreed that RD would draft a survey to go out to Addlethorpe residents to gauge interest and support for the plan and LH and GE would co-ordinate getting the survey out to villagers through social media and going door to door.

85.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:
    a.    Bus shelter – The Clerk informed the meeting £3000 grant funding had been received from the County Council.  The application to Grantscape had been amended to request the remaining amount with a decision being made at the end of October.  If unsuccessful, the S106 funds could be used.  G&W had been instructed to carry out the works as it had to be completed by the end of February 2024 for the funding.  The work is due to start on 23 October 2023.  NT to measure the existing concrete base and KC to check with the contractor it is large enough for the shelter.
    b.    Tree survey – MH informed the meeting it may be that the Parish Council is not responsible for the trees in the churchyard.  It depends on what was agreed by letter between the church and the PC when the churchyard was closed. It was resolved to put the matter on hold until GE spoke to the church members to see if they had a copy of such a letter.  In addition, the Council would write to the Church about the matter.
    c.    Shredder and printer – Council noted that the shredder had seized up and the large A3 printer was also no longer printing in black any more.  The clerk was currently using the home printer which had been supplied to the council by MH for colour printing. To be looked at again when the requirements of the new clerk were known.
    d.    New bank account – The new bank account was now open but Unity were unable to transfer funds as the signatories were different on the old bank account.  GE and KC to go into the branch of the old bank to try and close the accounts down.  If unable to at this stage they would write a cheque out for the funds, except for a token amount, to go into the new Unity account.
    e.    Update on waste sites in village – No update as clerk had not had chance to chase it up.
    f.    Approve data protection policy for employees – Council approved the policy which was duly signed by the Chair

86.    Financial Matters 
    a.    The following payment of accounts were authorised:
            i.    Clerk’s salary August - £264.20
            ii.    Welton Services – grasscutting – £192.00
        iii.     The clerk informed the meeting she had purchased a Microsoft package for £29.99 to be included in next months expenses as the annual subscription had expired.
        iv.    For RD to attend a planning course not included by the ATS.
87.    To receive and discuss August inspection report.  The clerk updated the meeting that the broken glass in the lamp had now been removed.  Council noted the report and discussed the remaining magnolia trees which it was agreed needed moving once the leaves had fallen.  GE agreed with NT and MH to trim and remove the undergrowth on the green on a day when the weather permitted.

88.    To discuss the UKSPF Grassroot funding -  Due to more pressing matters further down the agenda this was put back to the next meeting.

89.    To go into closed session to discuss agenda items 90 and 91.  It was resolved to remain in open session to discuss agenda item 90

90.    To receive and discuss any update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath. -  Council resolved to apply to be prioritised on the Definitive Map Modification Order (DDMO) application.  RD will collate evidence to send to the clerk to fulfil criteria 1 of the priority system.  Clerk to send application with the evidence once received.

91.    To consider any applications for the clerk’s position- Council were informed there were 2 applicants for the position.  It was resolved to invite them both to interview next Tuesday following which full council would meet to appoint a new clerk.
92.      To go into open session

93.        Agenda items for next meeting 
•    Consider the co-option of a new councillor
•    Bus Shelter Base
•    Footpath
•    Responsibility for maintenance of the trees
•    Replacement bin for village green    
•    Grassroot funding
•    Six monthly accounts

94.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 10 October 2023 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells.  

Meeting closed 21.42 Hours