AGM minutes 16 May 2023

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 16 May 2023 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 19.30 Hours.

Councillors present: Chairman Cllr N. Towers (NT), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD), Cllr L Hand (LH), Cllr A Stubbins (AS) and Kerry Culley, Clerk.

Also present: County & District Cllr C Davie (CD) and 1 member of the public

15.    Election of Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and agreed to appoint Councillor N Towers as Chairman for 2023/2024.  He signed his Declaration of Acceptance which was countersigned by the Clerk as Proper Officer
16.    Election of Vice Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and agreed to appoint Councillor R Dawson as Vice Chairman for 2023/24.
17.    Signing of declaration of acceptance by all elected council members – All Councillors present had signed their declarations prior to the meeting, and all were counter signed by the Clerk as Proper Officer.
18.    Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks – The Chairman thanked everyone for their help with the Coronation weekend and for putting up the marquee.
19.    Apologies for absence - There were no absences.
20.    To receive any declarations of interest – Cllrs NT and LH both declared a personal interest with regard to item 27a(2) in relation to the planning application for agricultural workers’ accommodation.
21.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 April 2023 as a true record of the decisions made. The notes of the meeting were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman.
22.    To appoint members to the following:
a.    Cemetery Committee - Cllrs M Holyer, N Towers and G Escott
b.    Spokesperson for PCC meetings – Cllr G Escott
23.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings – Cllr C Davie reported the following matters to the Council:
•    CD thanked all the councillors for giving up their time for their community at no recompense to themselves.  He congratulated Cllr RD on also becoming a District Councillor.  
•    CD told the meeting Ingoldmells Road at Ashington End was so bad the road needed closing unless it was fixed urgently.  As a result the road was to be repaired from the next year’s budget.  Chapel Lane is also in a poor state, so he encouraged Councillors to keep reporting the matter on Fix My street and to inform the clerk if the time limits given were not met.  He also informed the meeting the contractors are doing a better job so the repairs should last longer but to report back to him if there were any issues with the repairs carried out.
•    He highlighted the issues the area is set to face with the proposed National Grid pylons and substations and potentially more wind and solar farms.  He encouraged councillors to attend the next Outer Dowsing Windfarm meeting when the substations would be under discussion.
•    The sea defences are now considered to be nearer the end of their life span than originally projected.  Potentially they may only have 15 years left.  CD will fight to hold the line which will need government funding at an estimated cost of £1.2 billion. 
•    CD also highlighted that talks around devolution were speeding up with a meeting with civil servants next month to discuss what it could look like for Lincolnshire.
24.    Financial Matters 
a.    It was resolved accept the internal auditor’s report with the amendments listed below:
b.    The following amendments were agreed to correct the minor financial errors highlighted in the auditor’s report -
i.    Payments agreed for 12 April 2023 of £312.67 and £126 not shown on the account payment sheet were on the previous year’s payment sheet.
ii.    Payment of £96 has been amended in the expense sheet to read 92f.
iii.    Minute 60a(v) to be amended read clerk’s salary for July not August.
iv.    Minute 92 (salary) add for the month of August.
v.    Confirmed payment had been put on hold by Council.
vi.    Minute 153 (ii) the amount to cloudnext be amended to read £191.98.
c.    The Annual Governance Statement 2022/3 was completed and signed by the Chair & RFO 
d.    Council considered and resolved to approve the Accounting Statements for 2022/23
e.    Council agreed and the Chair and RFO signed the exemption certificate.
f.    Council considered and approved the premium quotations for the Parish Council Insurance 2022/23 of £241.00
g.    It was resolved to update the bank mandate by removing ex Cllr B Short and adding NT.
h.    Council authorised payment of the following accounts - Clerk’s salary April £264.20, Weltons Grass cutting £222, Green canopy Plaque £154.99, internal audit fee £45.
25.    Council reviewed the following policies and procedures:
•    Standing Orders – Now updated.  To be reviewed by councillors for next meeting
•    Financial Regulations – Approved as presented.
•    Risk management document – To be updated in line with LALC amendments for approval at the next meeting.
•    Council’s Code of Conduct - To be updated in line with LALC amendments for approval at the next meeting.
•    Member’s registers of interest – All councillors to review and update where necessary their register of interests.
•    Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 - To be updated in line with LALC amendments for approval at the next meeting.
26.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:
•    Update on new email addresses – The clerk ensured all councillors could access their new emails or for them to receive support to do this if necessary.
•    S106 approval received for outstanding costs of concreting benches and green canopy plaque.
27.    Planning
a.    To receive any updates and discuss the applications for:
1.    S/002/00718/23 Lambourne House, Ashtree Court, Mill Lane, Skegness, PE25 1HW - Erection of a dwelling on the site of the existing outbuilding which is to be demolished, change of use of the existing dwelling to provide a holiday let and change of use of land for the siting of 7no. holiday lodges. - Council resolved to object to this application on the basis of poor infrastructure, more traffic and dangerous lanes for pedestrians to use
2.    N/134/00550/23 Erection of a building providing accommodation for agricultural workers and construction of a vehicular access.  White House Poultry Farm, Marsh Road, Addlethorpe, PE24 4TU S/002/00143/23: Council resolved to approve this application unless RD discovered any overlooked issues prior to Friday’s deadline in which case it would go back to council.
3.    Any new or updated applications.  - The clerk confirmed the Garden View Tearooms application had now been approved
b.    To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan - still waiting to hear from Welton Le Marsh if they wish to join.  The Clerk confirmed funding for this financial year had been renewed.
c.    To receive an update on the Community Planning Alliance and Outer Dowsing Windfarm - RD confirmed the National Grid had yet to change its stance.  The CPA are working with MPs to put pressure on central government.
28.    To receive and review April inspection report. – GE confirmed the Church are repairing the broken glass in the lamppost.  GE will look at the tree trimming.  The Clerk will chase the Pride team for their response on this.
29.     To resolve action to be taken in relation to waste sites in the village without a known licence.  Council resolved the Clerk to report to the Environment dept at ELDC the sites at Chapel Lane behind Two Acres owned by the Golf Club and the site at Church Lane covered with old caravans and rubbish.
30.    To receive and consider quotes and funding for a new bus shelter.  Clerk to chase up on response to any grant still available. The Clerk to ask Mono for a quote on a basic shelter with and without bench seating for comparison.  Clerk to ask GW what justifies the extra cost of their quote compared to the ACE quote.
31.     To consider the siting of the community planters - LH informed the meeting her husband had already sited the planters on paving either side of the churchyard entrance.  Council agreed the location and NT to plant with bulbs for next year.  MH will plant with geraniums.
32.     To consider taking part in the Hedgehog Highway project -It was resolved not to take part in this project as it was felt more appropriate for urban communities rather than rural communities.
33.    To receive and discuss any update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath.  The Chair permitted a member of the public to address Council who update the meeting that two members of the public have now blocked off the footpath and paved over it in part.  Council then resolved to go in to closed session to receive and consider the legal advice received.  Council moved back into open session and confirmed their decision to carry on talking with the County Council.
34.    Agenda items for next meeting 
•    Footpath
•    Bus shelter
•    Updated policies and procedures
•    Projects/ use of remaining s106 funds
35.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 13 June 2023 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells.