15 August 2023 Extraordinary Meeting
Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting
DRAFT Minutes of an extraordinary meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held at 1930 hours Tuesday 15 August 2023 at St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells
Councillors present: Chair N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr Roger Dawson (RD), Cllr Gavin Escott (GE), Cllr Lorna Hand (LH) and Kerry Culley (Clerk)
Also present: 5 members of the public.
Public session
The Chairman updated the public on the appeal made to the Planning Inspectorate by the applicant for 289 caravans on the Mill Road site. The Parish Council would be considering asking for the matter to be dealt with by way of public inquiry rather than written representations.
The public expressed their concerns over the appeal and stated they would like the opportunity to sign a petition to the Planning Inspectorate asking for the matter to be dealt with by a public inquiry.
72. Chairman’s welcome - The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 19.52 hours.
73. Apologies for absence – Cllr M Holyer who was away.
74. To receive any declarations of interest – None
75. Planning – to discuss an appeal for S/002/01844/21 LAND SOUTH OF MILL ROAD, ADDLETHORPE. Council discussed the above matter and agreed the matter would be best dealt with by the way of Public Inquiry if possible. The following resolutions were made:
i. To approve the letter drafted by RG to the Planning Inspector requesting a public inquiry. Clerk to send.
ii. The clerk to highlight the relevant documents disclosed in the FOI request, a copy of which are to be sent with the above letter.
iii. The clerk to write to ELDC and the County Councillor with a copy of the above letter.
iv. A letter for the public to sign was also approved for local signatures to be collected which will be gathered together by LH and then passed on to the clerk for forwarding on.
v. The matter to be included on a public meeting if one is to be held prior to next month’s meeting and the press to be informed.
76. To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session - The council resolved to move into closed session to discuss the matter below and members of the public left the meeting.
77. To consider the appointment process and the job description, hours and pay scales for the appointment of a new clerk. - The following resolutions were made:
i. The person specification for clerk/RFO was approved
ii. The job description for clerk and RFO were approved
iii. The hours for carrying out the role were increased to 26 hours per month
iv. It was agreed the pay scale would be decided using the NALC recommendations dependent upon experience and qualifications.
v. The job advert was approved.
vi. The current clerk to advertise the job on LALC website as well as the local facebook group and the clerk’s own facebook group.
78. To move into open session and close meeting. - Council moved into open session and the meeting was closed at 20.30 hours