14 February 2023

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held at 1930 hours Tuesday 14 February 2023 at St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Cllr M Holyer (MH) Cllr Bob Short (BS), Cllr Gavin Escott (GE) and Cllr Roger Dawson (RD), (who took notes of the meeting as the clerk was unwell) 

Also present: Lorna Hand (LH) as a potential new councillor and 8 members of the public. 

Public session
•    The Chairman welcomed the public and thanked them for their letters of support opposing the Mill Road application which had now been rejected by ELDC but could still be appealed by the applicant.
•    A member of the public requested an update on the St Nicholas/Rectory Lane footpath matter.  
•    A member of the public asked whether the Council were considering a clothing bank in the parish and offered to provide this service from their home using facebook as there are not many residents in the village.
•    A member of the public asked for updates with regard to challenging the village size.
•    A member of the public questioned whether the golf course had approval to go from 9 holes to 6 holes.
•    A member of the public asked what plans there were for the Coronation day.

The Council unanimously resolved to co-opt Lorna Hand onto the council.  LH duly signed the Declaration of Office.

159.    Chairman’s welcome - The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 19.55 hours

160.    Apologies for absence – Apologies were accepted from Colin Davie and Kerry Culley.

161.    To receive any declarations of interest – RD informed the meeting he was now the regional representative for the Community Planning Alliance and declared an interest in it.  BS declared an interest in agenda item 164 a (i)

162.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10 January 2023 as a true record of the decisions made. –It was resolved to amend the date of the minutes to read 2023 and to subsequently approve the minutes of the above meeting.
163.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie. -Cllr C Davy was unable to attend the meeting
b.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings    RD updated the council about his role as regional representative for the Community Planning Alliance (CPA).  RD will provide copies of correspondence with CPA concerning caravan development policies, planning applications and the local plan to the Chair and Clerk.

164.    Planning
a.    To receive any updates and discuss the applications for
i.     S/022/01844/21 Mill Road – The council noted the application had been rejected.  However the Chair warned the meeting to expect an appeal
ii.    S/002/00574/22 Golf club – The council noted this application had been approved
iii.    Any new applications – 
1.    S/002/00099/23 THE BUNGALOW, CHAPEL LANE, ADDLETHORPE, SKEGNESS, PE24 4TG Single storey rear extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. – Council  resolved not to take a stance on this application.
2.    S/002/00143/23 LAND TO WEST OF POPLAR FARM, CHAPEL LANE, ADDLETHORPE To excavate land to create a commercial fishing lake and a car park.  Council resolved to object to this application on the grounds another fishing lake was not needed and would result in increased traffic in the area.  An extension of time had been requested to give Council time to respond.  
b.    To receive and discuss any updates about village size 
Council resolved to call a public meeting with regard to the misclassification of the village size by ELDC in order to invite and ask questions of the ELDC planning portfolio holder and a planning officer.
c.    To receive an update on the Neighbourhood Plan – RD updated the meeting and informed them the next meeting was set for 24 Feb 2023
d.    To receive an update on Outer Dowsing windfarm – RD updated the meeting with regard to the public consultations taking place and the Community Planning Alliance (CPA) campaign against it.  Council resolved to support the CPA’s anti-pylon campaign and agreed RD to act as Council representative at the public consultations whilst there in his role as CPA representative as well.

165.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding 
a.    Inspection report of council property – Council received the reports made by Carole Clark and expressed their appreciation.  Council noted the following issues raised in the report -
i.     with regard to the damaged bench outside the church.  This was to be replaced with one already received from funding application and is just awaiting further quotes for concreting into place.
ii.    The Council discussed the problems raised over littering by the bench at the Rectory Lane /Orby Road junction.  It was resolved to apply to ELDC for a litter bin to be installed.    
b.    Update on The Laurels – Council noted that the matter was being investigated by ELDC for potential breach of planning by operating caravans outside of the season.  Council have had it brought to their attention that other sites are also potentially in breach and so resolved to report these and any others that came to their attention in the future.
c.     Any other matters arising during clerk’s absence of leave
        i.    It was noted the precept request had been made.
ii.    Update on clothes bank location – Council resolved there was no requirement for a clothes bank in the village.
iii.    The Council discussed the two quotes now received for the grasscutting and resolved to remain with Weltons as it was the cheapest quote and gave a satisfactory service to the parish.
166.    Financial Matters 
a.    Council authorised the following payment of accounts 
i. T Smith for concrete for fence posts - £12
    ii. K Culley salary for January - £254.60

b.    To agree an internal auditor for this year’s accounts  - Council resolved to use J Cooper

167.    To receive and discuss any update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath.  Council resolved to go into closed session to discuss the latest legal advice on the matter.  Further updates are still required.

168.    To set the Council meeting dates for the upcoming year – Council approved the dates put forward.

169.    To discuss any correspondence received  - Council noted the correspondence received from ELDC with regard to the added requirements for voters to have photo ID and resolved to display posters on village noticeboards, facebook and the website.

170.    To receive and discuss Community Planning Alliance (CPA) recommendations from Cllr R Dawson  - RD informed the meeting the CPA are proposing an alliance of towns and villages within ELDC to provide mutual assistance to each other in dealing with ELDC on all planning matters. Council resolved to support this proposal in principal.  RD further informed the meeting Colin Davie was appearing on the news the next day to support offshore, rather than onshore power grids as part of the anti-pylon campaign.

171.    To receive and discuss any further quotes for cementing new benches into position – Council are still awaiting further quotes

172.    To discuss possible events for the Coronation and the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings in 2023 – Gavin to co-ordinate Council arrangements  and co-ordinate with the church and advise them the marquee would be available on the green.

173.    Agenda items for next meeting -To receive items for inclusion on the next      meeting’s agenda.  
•    Footpath
•    S/002/00143/23 LAND TO WEST OF POPLAR FARM
•    Bench quote
•    End of year accounts
•    Agree final payments for the year
•    Confirm format and speaker for annual parish meeting and AGM
•    Coronation and D Day events

174.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 14 March 2023 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells.
Meeting closed at 21.25 hours