Annual General Meeting - May 2022

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 10 May 2022 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 2040 Hours following on from the Annual Parish Meeting

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr B Short (BS), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr M Tait (MT), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD) and Kerry Stafford Clerk.

Also present: 1 member of the public

16.    Election of Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and agreed to appoint Councillor N Towers as Chairman for 2022/2023.
17.    Election of Vice Chairman - It was proposed, seconded and agreed to appoint Councillor M Tait as Vice Chairman for 2022/23.
18.    Signing of declaration of acceptance by all elected council members – all councillors signed a declaration of acceptance of office
19.    Apologies for absence  - There were no absences
20.    To receive any declarations of interest – Cllr B Short declared an interest with regard to item 28 in relation to the planning application for 490 caravans
21.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 April 2022 as a true record of the decisions made. The notes of the meeting were approved as the minutes and signed by the Chairman
22.    To appoint members to the following:
a.    Cemetery Committee - Cllrs B Short, N Towers and G Escott
b.    Spokesperson for PCC meetings – Cllr G Escott
23.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings - None
24.    To receive and discuss an update on St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath – The Clerk informed the meeting the Council’s solicitor had instructed a surveyor to prepare a plan of the site which should be completed by the end of next week.  He is still awaiting a copy of the Transfer Deed from the other solicitors and will chase this.  They will also need to approve the plan and then the conveyance should be ready for signing by the Council.  This would hopefully take place in time for the next meeting.
25.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding – None
At this point the AGM was adjourned so the Parish Council could take part in a joint meeting with the PCC to organise the jubilee celebrations.  Meeting reconvened at 2120 hours
26.    Financial 
a.    To approve the updated assets register – The updated assets register was approved
b.    To accept the internal auditor’s report – The clerk went through the comments made by the auditor and these were noted by the Council
c.    To resolve the Clerk does not sign any cheques or authorise orders for payment except in exceptional circumstances.  It was resolved the Clerk could continue to sign cheques in circumstances where there were not two other signatories to do this.
d.    It was resolved to confirm the payment of £500 from Ingoldmells Parish Council minuted in July 2021 came from the Ingoldmells and Addlethorpe Cemetery Committee to be used towards the laptop.  Of which the cheque for £470 was issued to E Halliday as minuted in February 2022. 
e.    To complete the Annual Governance Statement 2020/21 – The Council confirmed it had complied with all statements except number 4 which has been duly annotated and the Governance Statement was signed by the Chairman and Clerk
f.    To consider and approve by Resolution the Accounting Statements for 2021/22 – It was resolved to approve the accounting statements and these were duly signed by the Chairman
g.    To agree and sign the exemption certificate – The Council confirmed it was exempt and the Chairman signed the exemption certificate
h.    To consider and approve premium quotations for the Parish Council Insurance 2021/22 – The Council resolved to reinsure with Zurich Insurance at a cost of £233.70
i.    Accounts for payment – 
i.    Weltons grasscutting - £222.00
ii.    Clerk’s April salary - £234.60
iii.    Auditors fee - £45.00

27.    To review the following policies and procedures:
a.    Standing Orders
b.    Financial Regulations
c.    Risk management document
d.    Council’s Code of Conduct
e.    Member’s registers of interest
f.    Publication Scheme under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
It was resolved that Cllrs G Escott and R Dawson would review the revised redrafted policies in comparison to the existing outdated policies to make recommendations for approval at the next meeting
28.    Planning- 
a.    S/002/00768/22 Erection of a double workshop/ garage, carport and garden room at Oak Farm, Hides Lane, Addlethorpe.  The council resolved to support the application
b.    S/002/00788/22 and S/002/00574/22 applications for 56 and 43 caravans site, both at Addlethorpe Golf Club, Chapel Lane, Addlethorpe – The Council resolved to object to both of these applications due to the overall impact they would have on the local community.  It was also resolved to ask that the matter be called in to be heard by the planning committee.  It was resolved the Clerk would write to Michael Gove, Secretary of State, on behalf of the Council, to raise concerns that the cumulative affect of these two applications and the one for 490 caravans on Mill Road was unsustainable in the village with limited resources and poor connectivity to the neighbouring villages with the services that would be required. Also to raise concerns that the local people and Parish Council were not being listened to by the developers and planning authority when planning decisions are being made.
c.    It was also resolved the Council would look at revising the local plan
29.    To note any correspondence received – Therewas one email from Lincs County Council who are compiling a list of organisations helping Ukraine refugees.  The Council confirmed they were unaware of any such organisations within the area.
30.    Queen’s Platinum Jubilee -To receive an update from the Jubilee Committee and consider any recommendations for approval. – Cllr Tait confirmed he was still facing difficulties securing the marquee from the suppliers who had lost parts of it.  It was confirmed in case of non-arrival and inclement weather the event could be held in the church.  It was agreed the tree planting be postponed to later in the year when the timing is better for planting bare root trees.  The budget would be used for advertising the event, bunting, portaloos and a finger buffet.  There would be a quiz later on in the day and any remaining budget would be used to purchase raffle tickets.  It was resolved that Cllr Tait could go ahead with purchasing the agreed items within the budget of £500.
31.    The meeting went into closed session to consider agenda item 32
32.    To consider a request from the parish clerk for annual leave – The Council confirmed the Clerk’s leave for the following week for her honeymoon.
33.    The council reverted to open session
34.    Agenda items for next meeting – The following items to be included at the next meeting
a.    Revision of the Local Plan
b.    Bus shelter update and to receive further quotes
c.    Consider use of Whatsapp for communicating
d.    Speeding through village
35.    To confirm time and date and place of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 14 June 2022 at the Council Offices, Ingoldmells 
Meeting closed at 22.25 hrs.

I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 10 May 2022. 

Signed:                Date: