January 2022

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 11 January 2022 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr M Holyer (MS), Cllr. G. Escott (GE) and Kerry Stafford Clerk.
Also present: Malcolm Tait (MT) as a potential new councillor and 4 members of the public.

Public session
•    A member of the public requested an update on the public footpath.  The Vice Chairman explained the matter was still being chased by the Council but there were ongoing delays due to illness with the vendor’s solicitors and due to the quantity and complexity of the documentation involved.  He confirmed that whilst it was a frustratingly long process the council were doing what they could to keep chasing the matter.
•    A member of the public requested an update on the planning application for 490 caravans.  The clerk confirmed that the planning department had asked for further information from the agent which they had recently received.  However, with it being a large application it would still take a matter of weeks to go through to make a decision.  
•    A member of the public asked about the enquiry in relation to the allotments.  This is on the agenda to be discussed later on in the meeting.
•    A member of the public asked if anything could be done about the tractors carrying hardcore etc to and from the golf course.  Currently, they are passing each other and damaging grass verges and lawns in order to get past.  It was suggested that a one-way system would prevent this problem.  It was agreed the clerk would speak to the owners, Coastfields and the member of public was directed to the Highways procedure for reporting issues. The Chair agreed to also speak to Cllr C Davie about the issue.


Malcolm Tait was put forward by the Chair to become a councillor.  It was unanimously resolved to co-opt MT onto the council.  MT duly signed the Declaration of Office.

30.     Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1945 hours and welcomed MT as a new Councillor. 

31.    Apologies for absence 
No apologies received

32.     Declarations of interest
TS declared an interest in agenda item 38.

33.     Draft Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held 14 December 2021
It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting to be a true record.

34.     Reports from External Agencies 
There were no external reports

35.    Clerks report on matters outstanding
i.    S106 funding.  The clerk explained this funding could only be used for renovation of the footpath if the council could show it had control of the land.  It was resolved the clerk to ask whether the council could use some of the funding to carry out the work on the village green instead, then ask for S106 funding for the footpath once ownership of it was complete. 
ii.    Winter Salt – The Clerk confirmed Highways now had details of the new location and would contact her again just prior to delivery.

36.    Finance
i     It was resolved to authorise the Clerks salary and expenses - £414.25
ii. It was resolved to receive and accept the quarterly accounts for October – December 2021.  There was a discussion about increasing the election reserve from £2,000 to £3,000 as recommended by LALC.  It was resolved the Council would do so over 4 years, putting an extra £250 per year aside. 
iii.  To finalise the budget and complete the precept required for the following financial year.   The budget figures were discussed and it was resolved to request a further £300 for the precept, making a total figure of £5,900.

37. Planning
i.    S/002/01844/21. Change of use of land for the siting of 490 no. static caravans. Mill Lane.  This was already discussed during the public forum.
ii.    S/002/02128/21 Wilcox Farm, Orby Road. Erection of a detached house and detached triple garage on the site of the existing dwelling which is to be demolished has now been given planning permission.
iii. S/002/02128/21 Methodist Church, Chapel Lane. Change of use, conversion of, extensions and alterations to existing church to provide a dwelling.  It was resolved to support the application.

38. St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath
Update already discussed during the public forum

39. Correspondence
An email has been received requesting an allotment.  The clerk advised the Council of their duty to provide allotments should the requirements of the Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908 be fulfilled.  As they have not this is not a matter that needs dealing with at this stage.

40. To discuss whether the Council wants to put anything on for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
After discussion it was resolved that:
•    The Clerk would research prices for a 6m x 9m marquee and approach the Welcome Back funders to look for funding.
•    The Chair and other councillors would approach other villagers and church members to see what interest there was in putting on an event, such as a jubilee picnic and helping to organise it.
•    The Clerk would ask on the Community Group page to see if there were any villagers willing to help organise an event.
•    The Council would not purchase a permanent beacon as it would require maintenance and storage with very little use.  However, there could possibly be a bonfire beacon.

41. Agenda items for next meeting
•    GE asked to select a new member for the Cemetery Committee.
•    MT asked that the Council discuss approaching Planning with regard to the protection zone around Addlethorpe to see if this could be increased or further zones added.
•    MH asked that the Council get an update on the bus shelter which they asked to be demolished and replaced some time ago due to its state of disrepair and misuse.  It was resolved the Clerk would speak to Highways and Cllr Colin Davie about the matter prior to the next meeting.

42. Date of next meeting    
1945 hours. Tuesday 8 February 2022

Meeting closed at 2130 hrs.

I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 11 January 2022. 

Signed:    N Towers            Date: 8 February 2022