Minutes July 2022

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 12 July 2022 at St Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr M Tait (MT), Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr B Short (BS), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD) and Kerry Culley (Nee Stafford) Clerk.

Also present: County and District Councillor Colin Davie (CD) and 17 members of the public. 

Public session

A member of the public requested an update on the St Nicholas/Rectory Lane footpath matter.  

A member of the public asked for an update on the planning application for 490 caravans.  

Several members of the public raised issues about the planning applications for more caravan parks including:
- the roads etc needed repairing and upgrading first.  
- how many objections and letters of support had been received?
- could local villages join forces to fight the applications?
- loss of arable land
- disbelief that the developers would carry out the commitments made to the village in return for
  supporting the caravan park application
- what is the driving need for such a big development of 490 caravans?

A member of the public complained about caravans being offloaded outside the golf course

A member of the public raised a query as to the criteria used for assessing Addlethorpe as a medium sized village

57.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie. (Cllr C Davie had to leave the
 meeting early so gave his report at this point.)  
i.    CD informed the meeting that with the amount of applications for caravan parks there was a risk of killing the golden goose. There are already a lot of empty caravans.
ii.    CD confirmed he would speak to the Orby Councillors should the Council wish to include Orby and Hogsthorpe within its Neighbourhood Plan.
iii.    CD informed the meeting that an application was coming up to build a national grid power line from Grimsby down to Chapel St Leonards which would consist of 50metre high pylons.
iv.    CD informed the meeting that there was also another offshore farm proposed which would need to have another underground cable to bring the power onshore.
v.    CD informed the meeting that the Community Planning Alliance are fighting a campaign to preserve quality agricultural land from development and so it would be worth making contact with them to discuss how they might be able to work with our parish council.

53.    Chairman’s welcome 
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1959 hours

54.    Apologies for absence 
    There were no apologies all Councillors being present

55.    To receive any declarations of interest 
TS declared an interest in agenda item 58. MH declared an interest in agenda item 71. 
BS declared an interest in agenda item 61.

56.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 14 June 2022 as a true 
 record of the decisions made. 
There was an amendment to agenda item 45 to include the use of WhatsApp as a form of communication for informal communications. It was resolved to approve the minutes as amended.

57.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
b.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings. 
i.    Cllr GE informed the meeting he had been visited by the developer Alan French and the ex planning officer Neil Cooper. GE informed Alan French that as his proposed development was not on the agenda it would not be discussed at the meeting tonight.  He also informed Alan French that as he was not a parishioner he would not be able to speak at the Council meeting unless invited to by the Chairman.
ii.    NT also informed the meeting that Alan French had visited him to tell him he would be attending the meeting and gave him a list of commitments he wished to make to the village which had now been circulated to all Councillors.
iii.    TS asked that it goes on the next agenda that individual councillors do not discuss matters with the developer.

58.    To receive and discuss an update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath 
The Clerk confirmed the Council’s solicitors expected to have a copy of the transfer deed this week

59.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
a.    Report to Highways about replacing SLOW signs on Mill Lane – The clerk confirmed this had been done and she understood the work was being carried out. Only 2 of the signs have been repainted.  Clerk to ask for third one to be done.
b.    Report to highways about the issues caused by caravans being offloaded outside the Golf Course. - No response yet
c.    Marquee – The funders have now got the part one collected and are dealing with getting a refund.  MT informed the meeting the funders are prepared to buy one for the Council or the Council can obtain their own and then be refunded.  MT stated it would be better to also have a bag to keep the marquee in which does not come as standard.  It was resolved MT would ask the funders if they would purchase marquee and bag on the Council’s behalf.  The Council thanked MT for his hard work in getting this sorted.

60.          Financial Matters – 
a.    The following payment of accounts were authorised:
i.    Clerk’s salary and expenses - £287.19
ii.    LALC invoice for Neighbourhood Planning training - £155.13
iii.    Invoices for jubilee celebrations for M. Tait - £249.67.  It was resolved to forgo the VAT rebate of approximately 30p on the food receipt for the squash purchased as no VAT receipt was given
iv.    Weltons Garden Services for grasscutting - £222.00
v.    Clerk’s salary of £234.60 for August as no meeting. Also, grass cutting invoice up to £250, amount to be ratified at September meeting.
b.    The quarterly accounts for April - July 2022 were received and approved

61.          Planning
a.    To receive updates and discuss any applications received – Full planning approval given to the Methodist Church, Chapel Lane for conversion to a dwelling and Oak Farm, Hides Lane for erection of a double garage, carport and garden room.
b.    To consider the response to an email from ELDC planning with regard to the points that have been allocated to Addlethorpe in determining its size as a medium village. – Apart from the facilities mentioned in the email it was also pointed out that the indoor bowls club no longer existed.  This takes Addlethorpe points down to 21 which is below the criteria level for a medium village.  The meeting also discussed other points were arguable such as the Swifts football club which the parishioners cannot use, about half of the village is not on mains drainage and the bus route only goes in one direction from Addlethorpe and is not easily accessible from the village.  It was resolved the Clerk would draft a response to East Lindsey to be approved at the next meeting of the Council prior to sending.
c.    To consider responses to the Planning Services Survey – this matter was not discussed at the meeting
d.    To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Planning working group and resolve whether to accept its recommendations – Council received the attached report from the working group.  It was resolved to accept the recommendations in the report.   It was resolved MT would approach Orby and Hogsthorpe Parish Councils to discuss the possibility of carrying out a joint Neighbourhood Plan. MT pointed out the timescale may slip for reporting back to the Council due to the upcoming summer holidays.

62.         To receive and discuss an update on the Bus Shelter
The clerk informed the meeting that a streetworks accredited contractor was not required for the demolition of the bus shelter but was for the construction.  MH informed the meeting that the landowner of the wall that forms the back of the bus shelter wants to remove the wall and so would be happy to demolish the bus shelter at the same time at no cost to the Council. However, it was unlikely to be before the end of the year. Having received three quotes the Council resolved to accept the landowner’s offer to demolish the bus shelter.  The Clerk to contact the landowner about this.
The Council considered the quotes for a new bus shelter.  It was resolved to put in abeyance the replacement of the bus shelter until the old one had been removed.

63.         To receive an update from Councillors R Dawson and G Escott on the review of the
      following council policies:

a.    Standing Orders – It was resolved that the Clerk would email the proposed inserts to the Councillors for consideration with a view to adopting the policy at the next meeting.  It was resolved that clauses 15b xvi and 15b xviii be added to the existing standing orders in the meantime to allow responses to any planning applications or emergency payments be made in accordance with those regulations over the summer.
b.    Financial Regulations - It was resolved to accept the model policy as reviewed by RD and GE
c.    Risk management document - It was resolved to accept the model policy as reviewed by RD and GE

64.         To resolve to adopt new and updated council policies on:
a.    Code of conduct - It was resolved to accept the model policy
b.    Data Protection Policy - It was resolved to accept the model policy
c.    Model publication scheme - It was resolved to accept the model policy
d.    Complaints procedure - It was resolved to accept the model policy

65.         To receive an update on the Jubilee trees from MT and discuss planting of these   
     trees and maintenance of existing trees on the village green
MT informed the meeting that Highways are unlikely to allow having the trees on the verge.  They could potentially be planted on the village green.  However there have been issues with vandalism and it would make the village green smaller still.  Another possibility was to hand the money back to the funders.  It was discussed planting them on the North wall of the cemetery instead.  It was resolved that MT and MH would look at carrying out a site visit to the cemetery to explore this possibility further.

66.         To receive an update and discuss the Visit Lincs Coastal enhancement funding
The Council were informed the funders required a wishlist of what the council might want along with costings for consideration.  The Council resolved to request 2 x benches, 3 x welcome signs, 2 x planters in that priority order.  The clerk to cost the items and put the request in to the funders.

67.         To discuss a request to consider funding a defibrillator in the village
As there is already a defibrillator in the village available for public use it was resolved to put this matter into abeyance for now.  To be reviewed at a later date.

68.         To discuss possible future events for the village
It was resolved to put this agenda item back for discussion on the next meeting.

69.         To discuss the role of the Community Planning Alliance and how they might assist 
It was resolved that the Clerk would make contact with the CPA via the contact passed on by Cllr Colin Davie.

70.         To discuss a village campaign to get villagers involved with planning and other 
     issues facing the village
It was resolved that this could be done as part of the neighbourhood Planning and that the community were already engaged with the council in fighting the planning applications for proposed new caravan parks.  It may be possible to hold future engagement events in the marquee or the church.

71.         To discuss whether to hold future meetings at Ingoldmells Parish Council offices
MH informed the meeting that Ingoldmells Parish Council would charge the Council a rate of £8 per hour.  The pros and cons of each hall was discussed.  The Council resolved to hold the next three ordinary meetings for September, October and November at Ingoldmells and take it from there.  MH also informed the meeting Ingoldmells Parish Council had agreed to the Clerk using their premises and storing council property there whilst she was in the process of moving home.

72.         Agenda items for next meeting -To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s 
a.    The proposed site for 490 caravans
b.    Updated standing orders
c.    Council Policy for councillors dealing with approaches from potential developers
d.    Shredder for safe disposal of council paperwork by the Clerk
e.    TS gave advanced apologies for the next meeting as he is away on vacation

73.         To confirm time and date of next meeting 
     1930 hours Tuesday 13 September at the Council Offices, Ingoldmells

The meeting was closed at 22.26 Hours