February 2022
Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 8 February 2022 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours
Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr Bob Short (BS), Cllr. G. Escott (GE) Cllr. Malcolm Tait (MT) and Kerry Stafford Clerk.
Also present: 1 member of the public.
Public session
There were no matters raised by the public so Council moved into full session.
43. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1937 hours and moved on to discuss item 51 on the agenda.
51. St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath
The Chairman asked for an update on the footpath. The clerk stated there was no movement from the donators’ solicitors, they were still going through the documents. If the Council wanted their own solicitors to keep chasing the matter it would cost extra for them to send and receive letters. It was suggested that if any of the councillors wanted to they could potentially approach the donators of the land or their solicitors directly to see what the situation was.
44. Apologies for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from MH who was away for several days. County and District Cllr C Davie was also unable to attend the meeting so asked the Clerk to update the Council on his behalf.
45. Declarations of interest
TS declared an interest in agenda item 51. BS declared an interest in agenda item 50(i)
46. Draft Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held 11 January 2022
It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting to be a true record and they were signed by the Chairman.
47. Reports from External Agencies
(i) The clerk made the following points to the Council on behalf of County and District Cllr C Davie:
• Following on from the letter by Michael Gove refusing the test applications for all year round opening of caravan parks the outstanding 33 applications had now been withdrawn by the District Council. Cllr C Davie suggested this may be used to strengthen the objections to the planning application for 490 caravans. The Council resolved the clerk would go through the planning documents submitted for this application to show that the site is at risk of flooding and so year round planning should not be given. The clerk to put together a letter for the Council. GE added that he had seen the site puddled over in places even as agricultural land so causing crop failure.
• The sudden death of Christine Newton was also reported to the Council. Christine was the Clerk to Chapel, Orby, Croft, Holegate and Thimbleby Parish Councils.
• The County’s Council Tax proposal was going to include 3% for Adult Social Care and also 2% for general purposes making a 5% rise in total. The 2% was to cover the shortfall left by central government for road repairs.
• The County Council is currently working with the University of Lincoln and the Environment Agency on the Coastal Strategy for the area.
• There would be some funds to split between Addlethorpe and Ingoldmells Councils for the upcoming Jubilee. This could be used for items towards the Sunday event planned but any food purchased should be from Lincolnshire producers. Alternatively, the Council could fund a keepsake, such as a commemorative coin, for each child in the village.
(ii) There were no other councillor reports from external meetings.
48. Clerks report on matters outstanding
(i) Coastfields construction traffic – The clerk had contacted Coastfields but they had no manager at the site currently so had been told to email and was still awaiting a reply. County Cllr. C Davie had said he would speak directly to the quarry about the matter to try and stagger the lorries going in and out to help alleviate the issues. MT told the meeting he lived directly opposite and had noticed the traffic had slowed down considerably now the hardcore work seemed to be complete. However, TS also added they now seemed to follow a one way system in and out but raised concerns over the weight on the bridge with full lorries going out that way.
(ii) Use of S106 funding for village green works. – Council were informed by the clerk that it had
been agreed the village green works could be funded by the S106 funding. The clerk
would need any quotes for the works that may be incurred to include with the costs of materials.
(iii) Winter Salt – GE informed the meeting the salt was now in place at Corner Farm. The Chairman confirmed he would fill up the bins where needed so grit would be available for the village at Chapel Lane North, Riddels Field and the Mill Lane/Mill Road junction.
49. Finance
(i) It was resolved to authorise the Clerks salary and expenses - £288.25
(ii) It was resolved to authorise payment of the annual LALC training to come out of next years budget at the costs of £95 + VAT as opposed to the individual training sessions originally agreed for the clerk which totalled £108 + VAT. This would also allow further training for the clerk and councillors if wanted, at no extra cost.
(iii) After discussions, it was resolved to add the clerk and MT as further signatories to the Parish bank accounts and to remove the two previous signatories as well as change the correspondence and business address to the new clerk’s address. The clerk to go into the branch to ensure the bank had the mandate.
TS gave the clerk a cheque for £6.03 from ex Cllr E Halliday as left over funds from the £500 given him to purchase a laptop and other support systems for it along with a record of payment to Currys. TS informed the council that E Halliday is still owed £70 for timber purchases he made. TS got a copy of all payments made to MKM timbers for the clerk last month but the clerk was unaware of the outstanding payment so had probably destroyed the repeat invoices. Clerk to obtain another copy from MKM if necessary.
50. Planning
i. S/002/01844/21. Change of use of land for the siting of 490 no. static caravans. Mill Lane. This was already discussed as part of the County and District Councillor’s report.
ii. S/002/02618/21. Erection of a block of 2no. holiday cottages and a block of 5no. holiday cottages – The Grange, Church Lane. The council discussed whether or not to support the application as permission had already been granted for caravans on the site. It was resolved to object to the application on the ground of over intensification of the area and the safety of vehicles leaving the site, especially once the extra traffic from the new Hardy’s development was taken into consideration.
iii. The council discussed what resolutions to put forward to the planning office as part of the review being undertaken. MT made the following suggestions:
a. No caravans to be within 100 meters of a residential home
b. Any new parks should not alter the look of the village
c. New parks should not exceed 50 caravans
d. The status of the village should be changed from medium to small
e. The buffer zone area to be enlarged
NT raised the issue of why more caravans when housing is not allowed.
TS raised the issue of the infrastructure not being in place to take more caravan parks.
It was resolved that the clerk work alongside MT to put together a letter with the resolutions for council to approve prior to sending to Planning.
51. St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath
Update already discussed following the Chairman’s welcome
52. To receive and discuss an update on the Bus Shelter
The clerk updated the council on the meeting she had attended with LCC Transport team with regards to the bus shelter and obtaining a grant. We are awaiting product information from various bus shelter providers to cost a replacement shelter if required. The Transport team are investigating how much use the bus stop gets to see if there is a need for an ongoing bus shelter. The council need to assess the work needed to demolish the old bus shelter and obtain costs for doing so. It is unclear at this stage whether this may need a street licensed contractor to carry out the work. It was resolved that councillors would talk to local builders they knew to ask if they could quote for demolishing the shelter and leaving the area safe.
53. To resolve to elect a new member for the Cemetery Committee
After discussion of what the role entailed, it was resolved to elect MT on to the cemetery committee
54. To note any correspondence received
Letter from a member of public wishing to become involved with the jubilee celebrations. This information was noted by the council and TS agreed to liaise with the member to include in preparations for the jubilee
55. To receive and discuss an update on plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and obtaining a marquee
Discussions took place as to how the event should be run, what to include and whether to raise funds for the church.
The clerk informed the council she had secured a funding pot of £1100 from the Welcome Back Committee towards a marquee that could be used for events on the village green. The council discussed which marquee and the need for storage and transport of the marquee. It was resolved to purchase a PROFILine premium 5x10m marquee at a cost of £1,189.00. TS to talk to a member of public with regard to storage of it. NT can transport in trailer.
MT proposed putting together 7 pieces of artwork to represent the 7 decades of the Queen’s reign which could be displayed inside the Marquee.
NT had talked the matter through with a church member who would like the church to get involved and would discuss on the upcoming PCC meeting. It was resolved that GE would report back to council on that meeting before final decisions were taken on the planning of the event.
56. To receive and discuss an update on the website and what to include on it going forward
The clerk informed the council she had now entered all the meetings and agendas onto the website so that part was legally compliant. She needs redacted DPIs for all Cllrs before they can be put on. The clerk confirmed with each Cllr what personal contact details they wished to appear on the website so they can be entered. The clerk asked if any Cllrs had any information, history or photos they wanted to put on the website they let her know. It was agreed there was no hurry to do this.
57. Agenda items for next meeting
• TS asked to discuss the village green bins which are not being emptied without constantly calling the district council to do it.
• Discuss jubilee further along with update from the PCC meeting
58. Date of next meeting
1945 hours. Tuesday 8 March 2022
Meeting closed at 21.18 hrs.
I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 8 February 2022.
Signed: Date: