September 2022

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 27 September 2022 (having been postponed from September 2022) at the parish council offices, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr M Tait (MT), Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD) and Kerry Culley Clerk.

Also present: 6 members of the public. 

Public session
•    A member of the public requested an update on the St Nicholas/Rectory Lane footpath matter.  
•    A member of the public asked for an update on the planning application for 490 caravans. 
•    A member of the public asked if the parish council had a plan ready in response to receiving an amended planning application form on the above matter.
•    A member of the public asked whether a response had been received to the letter sent to ELDC with regard to the criteria points allocated Addlethorpe in assessing the village size.

84.    Chairman’s welcome 
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1951 hours

85.    Apologies for absence 
Cllr M Holyer – on holiday, Cllr B Short – working.  Council resolved to accept the apologies.  Apologies were also received from County and District Cllr Colin Davie who had to attend another meeting but gave a report via the clerk.

86.    To receive any declarations of interest - TS declared an interest in agenda item 89.

87.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 July 2022 and the notes of the extraordinary meetings held on 28 July and 30 August as a true record of the decisions made. - It was resolved to approve the minutes of the above meetings.
88.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie. Cllr C Davie asked the clerk to report on the following matters:
i.     Cllr C Davie was supportive of the villages of Addlethorpe, Orby, Hogsthorpe and Chapel St Leonards coming together to tackle planning applications and produce a Neighbourhood Plan that supported residents and businesses alike.  He would be formally addressing his parish council on the matter at the next meeting.  He suggested Councillors from the four Councils looked at coming together for a meeting late October early November time. Cllr MT informed the meeting he planned to attend the next parish council meetings at Orby and Hogsthorpe to invite them to join together to create a neighbourhood plan.  He gave out a handout he had prepared for the meetings which explained briefly what it entailed.  Council discussed whether Chapel should be included but it was generally felt Addlethorpe, Hogsthorpe and Orby were more similar partners to linkup.  MT explained the first task would be to define the geographical area for the Plan but it was not necessarily as simple to define it by village boundaries as different parts of Addlethorpe are treated differently by the ELDC Local Plan so this would need considering.
ii.    Cllr C Davie asked the clerk to inform the meeting he was responding to the letter he had received from M Gildersleeves and would copy the council in to it.  He also suggested the Council consider drafting a response to their own letter of response from M Gildersleeves.  Council resolved to take the following actions:
1.    The Clerk to respond to M Gildersleeves asking for answers to the questions already asked and not answered such as how the points were arrived at.
2.    MT to draft a complaint letter to the Planning Inspectorate about their handling of the Local Plan.
3.    RD to do some research into the decisions taken by ELDC in forming the Local Plan for Addlethorpe.
4.    The Clerk to resend the Freedom Of Information request limited to information on the Mill Road planning application.

89.    To receive and discuss an update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath 
The Clerk confirmed receipt of the final Transfer Deed and letter of advice from the solicitors that afternoon.  It was resolved to deal with the matter by way of closed session at the next meeting.

90.    Planning
a.    To receive any updates and discuss the application for 490 caravans Mill Road – It was resolved the clerk and RD would draft a letter to the planning officer with regard to the letters of support
b.    To receive an update from Cllr Tait on the Neighbourhood Plan – discussed at   88a(i) above
c.    To receive an update and discuss the communications with the Community Planning Alliance on planning applications – Cllr MT informed the meeting about the possible help the CPA could provide and concluded they were a useful contact and resource to have
d.    Letter to Planning Inspectorate – MT to draft letter as discussed at 88aii above

91.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
a.    The clerk confirmed a further response from the council had been added to the planning portal in respect to the Mill Road planning application on the grounds Addlethorpe should be treated as a small village.  The Council resolved that MT would draft a letter to go to all households in the village asking them to draft their own objection letters once the amended planning application had been received.  It was resolved the clerk would send a copy of all the streets and properties in the village so that the Councillors could share them out to ensure all parishioners were contacted.
b.    The letter had been sent to ELDC regarding the criteria points allocated and a response received subsequently.  The Clerk to copy to our MP as well.
c.    The Clerk and RD were working on a letter asking planning not to take into account irrelevant letters on the Mill Road planning application.
d.    MT updated the meeting on the Visit Lincs coastal enhancement project.  The planters had now been received and two benches are expected shortly.  It was agreed there was no need to plant them up until next year now.
e.    The clerk confirmed a facebook group had been set up for the 3 villages to deal with planning applications and had since been extended to include Chapel.  The page is not run by the council but could be used by the council for posting and staying in touch with those online.
f.    Letter from public to ELDC – The Chairman has collected more signatures and this letter can now be posted by the clerk.
g.    Kings Head planning applications – The Clerk informed the meeting that although the planning department had sent 3 planning applications previously submitted by the Kings Head a search of the planning portal revealed a further 10.  It was resolved that MT would look at these so the matter could be discussed at the next meeting along with the amended planning application received after publication of this meeting.
h.    Updating Standing Orders – The clerk informed the meeting she had not had chance to update these as yet.
i.    Update on shredder and printer – MH has kindly donated a printer to the council and BS has kindly donated a shredder.

92.      Financial Matters – To authorise payment of accounts
e.    Clerk’s salary  - £234.60
f.    Weltons grasscutting - £96.00 & £192
Due to the delay caused by the postponement of the meeting it was resolved to authorise the retrospective payment of the above accounts.
g.    It was resolved to purchase a poppy wreath and donate to the sum of £30 

93.    Correspondence Received – email from St Peters Hall with regard to where future meetings are held. – GE explained to the meeting that half the revenue received by St Peters Hall went to Addlethorpe Church.  This was a vital source of funds for the church.  Council therefore resolved to hold future meetings at St Peters Hall again once the three meeting trial at the parish council offices ended following the October meeting.

94.    Inspection of Council Owned property – The Council discussed that the property it owned such as the bus stop and village green required a written record of the inspections being carried out so that something more formal was in place.  It was resolved the Clerk would draft an inspection sheet for discussion at the next meeting.

95.        To receive an update on the Jubilee trees from MT and resolve to purchase with the funding received – MT informed the meeting that with carriage and a slight increase in prices the invoice for the agreed items came above the funding figure received.  It was resolved to miss the tree stakes off the order and pay the invoice for just the trees and organic compound which was back within the funding figures.  Council resolved to authorise the payment which came to £671.26

96.     To discuss Council Policy for Councillors dealing with approaches from potential developers and any other members of the public or press – It was resolved that all councillors should refer any approaches made to them on to the Clerk for the matter to be handled by full council at a meeting where appropriate.  This is already covered by Standing Orders so there is no need for any new policies.

97.    It was resolved to move into closed session to discuss the following matters
a.    To consider whether Council want to set up a separate Personnel Committee to deal with personnel issues – Council resolved there was no need for a separate Personnel Committee at this time.  Full Council would deal with any staffing matters with the Chairman as first port of call for any personnel matters for the Clerk.
b.    To carry out an appraisal and the setting of the clerk’s salary for the next financial year – The Clerk’s performance was reviewed and the salary confirmed for next year’s budget

98.    Council moved back into open session

99.    Agenda items for next meeting
a.    The Kings head planning application
b.    The allocation of streets for the councillors to take responsibility for
c.    Half yearly accounts and draft budget
d.    Tender process for the grasscutting
e.    St Nicholas Road/ Rectory Lane footpath
f.    Inspection of property

100.     To confirm time and date of next meeting 
     1930 hours Tuesday 11 October 2022 at the council offices, Skegness Road, Ingoldmells

The meeting was closed at 22.03 Hours