Minutes June 2022
Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 14 June 2022 at the Council Offices, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours
Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr M Tait (MT), Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr B Short (BS), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD) and Kerry Culley (Nee Stafford) Clerk.
Also present: 7 members of the public.
Public session
A member of the public requested an update on the St Nicholas/Rectory Lane footpath matter. The Chairman informed the meeting that the Council’s solicitors had now got a plan of the land to be transferred, drawn up by the surveyor for approval by the Council at this meeting. Once this was done it could be sent to the other solicitors to form part of the transfer deed.
A member of the public complained about the state of the road outside the golf centre and produced a photo showing it rutted. The member of public explained this has been caused by caravans being offloaded outside the golf course in the lane as the entrance to the golf course is not wide enough. It also makes it difficult for other vehicles to pass whilst this process is being carried out due to the narrow lane. This causes a dangerous situation and there does not appear to be any safety procedures in place whilst the operation takes place. The Chairman agreed the Council would contact Highways about this. In addition, the Clerk informed the meeting that anyone could put a complaint in about the roads via the link to Highways on the Parish Website.
A member of the public also complained about the speed of vehicles going along Chapel Lane and the need for a footpath.
A member of the public informed the meeting that 3 men had tried to break into a bungalow in the village several evenings ago. The police have been informed but the member of public wanted to make other villagers aware of the issue.
A member of the public asked for an update on the letter the Council are drafting to the Secretary of State. The Clerk confirmed this was still in progress.
A member of the public requested an update on the application for 490 caravans. It was confirmed that there was no further news of an amended application being submitted.
36. Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1956 hours. He thanked all the Councillors, and in particular MT for organising the Jubilee celebrations. He said it was a good event which he enjoyed. He also said it went well for the Church who raised plenty of funds.
37. Apologies for absence
There were no apologies all Councillors being present.
38. Declarations of interest
TS declared an interest in agenda item 41.
TS raised the issue mentioned in the public forum with regard to the dangers caused by caravans being offloaded on the lane outside the Golf Club. It was resolved that Councillors would try and get photos showing the issues to send to the Clerk who would then write to Highways pointing out the issues and asking if there should be a safety protocol in place whilst caravans were offloaded.
39. Draft Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 10 May 2022
There was an amendment to agenda items 16 and 17 to alter the dates from 2021/22 to 2022/23. It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting to be a true record as amended and they were signed by the Chairman.
40. To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a. To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie. - None
b. Other Councillors reports from external meetings. – None.
41. St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath
It was resolved to approve the map drawn up by the Surveyor. The Clerk to confirm with the Council solicitors and ask it be sent to the other solicitors so the Transfer Deed could be completed.
42. Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
a. Marquee – MT explained the difficulties he has had trying to acquire the marquee purchased for the parish with the Welcome Back funding. He had been promised delivery 4 times and had written 26 pages of emails but still not received. It was resolved the clerk would contact the funders to see if they were prepared to fund us again should we request a refund as it would go back to them and MT would continue to chase for it to be delivered.
b. Jubilee event – The Clerk thanked the Councillors and MT for all their help as she had been away getting married and honeymooning. MT gave thanks to the member of public who had also assisted with the plans. The Chair thanked the Church for a good event which included bell ringing and a tour of the tower and in particular thanked the ladies involved for the lovely food provided.
43. Financial Matters – The following payment of accounts were authorised:
a. Clerk’s salary and expenses - £234.60
b. Weltons Garden Services - £222.00
c. Invoices for jubilee celebrations to be paid out of the County Councillor grant for jubilee funding - £306.00 to GE for payment of the portaloos. MT to produce remainder of the invoices once he has all VAT receipts.
d. It was confirmed that the Council agreed to the application for funding to the Queen’s Jubilee Fund to plant 7 magnolia trees and it was noted that the sum of £696.99 had been received on account.
44. Planning
a. To receive updates and discuss any applications received – LAND AT FANTASY ISLAND, SEA LANE, INGOLDMELLS, SKEGNESS, PE25 1RH - The Council resolved to object to the application in support of Ingoldmells Parish Council who want this matter to be decided by Central Government.
b. To discuss the letter from the Council to the Secretary of State – This matter was updated during the public forum.
c. To resolve whether the Council wishes to update the current Parish Plan and have it formally adopted as a Neighbourhood Plan – The Council discussed the planning department response to their consultation letter sent in February 2022 and the settlement plan now received which gives the criteria for Addlethorpe being given medium village status. It was noted that:
1. There is only one church not two
2. There is no community centre
3. It is unclear what the 8 sports facilities are and whether there is access to them for the general public
4. Not all of the village are on mains drainage
5. There is only 1 bus stop in the parish which is outside of the village and there is no footpath leading to the bus stop.
6. The public House is now part of the caravan site
It was resolved that the Clerk would write back to the planning department asking for clarity on the above points so that the Council could update their consultation letter with regard to the classification of Addlethorpe as a medium village. The Council also resolved to put in place a Neighbourhood Plan to be adopted by ELDC so that it has legal status and has to be taken into consideration for future development. It was resolved to form a sub-committee consisting of MT, RD and the Clerk. Going forward the sub committee could also include any members of the public who may be interested in taking part.
d. To resolve whether to fund Neighbourhood Plan training – It was resolved to fund training at a cost of £51.71 each for RD, MT and the clerk.
45. To consider the use of personal emails and the use of Whatsapp as forms of communication for Councillors and the implications of doing so. – After discussing the pros and cons it was resolved that full council would not use Whatsapp as a means of formal communication between Councillors but could use it for informal communications. It was also resolved to look at setting up professional email addresses for each councillor. The Clerk to investigate any costs involved to decide the best way forward with this.
46. To receive and discuss an update on the Bus Shelter – The Clerk informed the meeting that the staff invoved with the bus stop funding had now changed and she had now been advised it was necessary for a streetworks accredited contractor to remove the bus stop. It was resolved the clerk would check this was definitely right and if so research potential streetwork accredited contractors.
47. To receive an update from Councillors R Dawson and G Escott on the review of the following council policies:
a. Standing Orders
b. Financial Regulations
c. Risk management document
RD and GE confirmed they had reviewed the policies but needed to complete several blanks in the model documents. It was resolved that they would do this between them and then make their recommendations at the next council meeting with a copy of the completed draft documents.
48. To receive an update and discuss the funding received for the Jubilee trees
The Chair suggested that some fruit trees were planted as well as magnolias. It was suggested that funding could be requested from the Coastal Enhancement fund as the current funding is for the magnolia trees. Several councillors also have sapling trees that could be planted. Maintenance of the current and potential future trees was also discussed and so it was agreed to include on next month’s agenda. MT will check with Highways as to whether the magnolias can be planted on the verge alongside the Village Green.
49. To note correspondence received
a. Letter from a member of the public complaining about the speeding and litter throwing from vehicles along Mill Lane and a request the Parish Council ask Highways to reinstate the ‘SLOW’ signs. -It was agreed that these were issues. Also a big problem at the Mill Lane/Mill Road junction making it a dangerous junction to exit. Council resolved the Clerk would contact Highways to ask that the Slow signs be reinstated on Mill Lane between the mill and Valetta Farm.
b. Email from Visit Lincs with regard to coastal enhancement and funding for bins, benches and planters within our area – MH stated the bench outside the church is in need of repair or replacing. The Clerk suggested that the Council could consider asking for funding for white gates for entrances into the village which the police have said can help reduce speeding though villages. The Council agreed it was worth a try to reduce speeding if funding could be accessed and they also looked attractive. There is also the possibility of including planters. It was resolved that the clerk would contact the funders and ask for a meeting to discuss what may be available for funding.
50. To consider the issue of speeding – This was discussed in agenda item 49.
51. The following agenda items to be included on the next meeting
• Consider a request to fund a defibrillator in the village
• Discuss possible future events in the village
• Maintenance of the village green and planting of new trees
• The role of the Community Planning Alliance and if they could help Addlethorpe
• Village Campaign to encourage villagers to become involved with planning issues
• Consider whether to use Ingoldmells Parish Offices for future meetings
52. To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 12 July 2022 at the small hall, St Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells
The meeting was closed at 22.06 Hours