April 2022

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 12 April 2022 at the small hall, St. Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr. T. Smith (TS), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr G. Escott (GE) and Kerry Stafford Clerk.

Also present: 3 members of the public and a prospective new Councillor, Roger Dawson (RD)

Public session
A member of the public requested an update on the St Nicholas/Rectory Lane footpath matter.  The Chairman informed the meeting that the Council’s solicitors had now received the documents but had still not got the transfer deed and a plan sufficient for the Land Registry Office.  The solicitors are therefore recommending that a surveyor be instructed to be paid for from the estimated costs already given to the council. 

A member of the public asked for any further news with regard to the proposed 490 caravans.  The Clerk informed the meeting the planning office are still waiting for an amended application to be submitted  

A member of the public complained about the planning application for a further 43 caravans at Addlethorpe  Golf Course.  The amount of planning applications and increased volume of caravans and traffic in the village meant people were now selling up and leaving the village.  The Council were requested to send the previously conducted traffic survey to the planning office.  The Clerk explained that because the application had only been received the day before it was too late to go on the agenda for this month but a request had been made to the planning office for an extension.  This has been granted so any decisions could be resolved at the next meeting.  Having discussed the matter further with the public, the Council indicated they would be minded to objecting and discussed possible ways forward.  They could propose the Clerk write to Michael Gove on the Council’s behalf about the amount of planning applications that were being granted in the village, ask their County Councillor to call the matter in on their behalf and contact the MP, Matt Warman about it.  The public were advised they could put their own objections in and also write to Michael Gove about the matter.

The Chair asked if any members of the public wished to be considered for co-option on to the Council as a Councillor.  Roger Dawson volunteered.  The Council unanimously resolved to co-opt RD on to the Council. RD signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office so he could participate in the upcoming meeting.

1.    Chairman’s Welcome
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1945 hours.  

2.    Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from MT who was positive with Covid.  BS did not attend the meeting.

3.    Declarations of interest
MH declared an interest in agenda item 12 and 13. 

4.     Draft Minutes of the ordinary meeting held 8 March 2022
It was resolved to accept the notes of the meeting to be a true record and they were signed by the Chairman.

5.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie. -Cllr C Davy sent his apologies via the Clerk but asked she inform the meeting that a feasibility study was being conducted for a new road between the A52 and A158 so bypassing Orby and also the old coast road between Chapel and Sandilands.
b.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings. – The Chair updated the council with regard to his meeting the solicitors involved with the footpath the council are acquiring which was further discussed at item 6 below.

6.     St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath
It was resolved to instruct the Council solicitors to go ahead with engaging a chartered surveyor to draw up a land map for the land registry office.  The Chair and Vice Chair also confirmed they were aware that there was a sewage drain running across the land so there was no need for a search to confirm this.

7.    Financial Matters
a.    The following payment of accounts were authorised:
i.    Clerks’ salary and expenses - £312.67
ii.    Welton’s Garden Services - £126.00
b.    The following accounts were discussed and approved: 
i.    Quarterly Accounts: Final Quarter 2021/22 
ii.    Full Year Accounts: Year 2021/22 
iii.    The Council procedures were reviewed to ensure compliance with the governance statement to be signed at the next meeting.  It was resolved that Cllr G Escott would review the accounts and internal control procedures prior to the next meeting.

8.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
a.    Banking update – The correspondence address had now been updated and the clerk was able to access online banking to view the bank statements 
b.    Clerk’s backpay for the year – The previous Clerk had asked the Council not to worry about her back pay as it was for a small amount  and involved a lot of extra work.  The Council requested the Clerk thank her. 
c.    Jubilee fund – The clerk informed the meeting that a £500 remittance note had now been received for the jubilee celebrations.

9.    Planning- To receive updates and discuss the following:
a.    S002/02618/21 – It was noted permission was granted for The Grange, Church Lane, Addlethorpe, Skegness, Pe24 4ul.
10.    To note correspondence received - Letter from Waltons Facilities re grounds maintenance contract.  The Council confirmed the grass cutting contract had been agreed for this financial year but to invite Waltons Facilities to quote for future years.

11.    Queen’s Platinum Jubilee -The Council were referred to the written report prepared by Cllr M Tait. Cllr G Escott confirmed he was liaising with the church and had arranged for them to meet immediately prior to the Council’s next monthly meeting to finalise plans to be resolved at the council meeting.  It was resolved to order 3 portaloos as soon as possible due to expected heavy demand.  The Council discussed that the Church always put a good spread on so it was agreed GE would discuss with the church if they wished to do this and their costs could be covered by the jubilee funding.

12.    To receive and discuss an update on the Bus Shelter – Two quotes have been received so far for demolishing the old bus stop.  Two are still awaited.  The Clerk informed the meeting it was not yet clear if the grant for doing the work would be available this year.  If not, there was the possibility of asking for S106 funding to complete the work.

13.    To consider whether the Council wishes to hold future meetings in the Civic Rooms at Ingoldmells Parish Council Offices. – The clerk informed the Council the costs of holding the meetings in the civic rooms would be £12.50 per hour and would be needed for probably two hours.  This compares to £108 per year for the current  location. The extra costs had not been included in the budget.   The figures were discussed but not agreed.  However, the Council had been offered the chance to try the rooms for free for one meeting.  It was resolved the clerk would ask if the June meeting could be held there.

14.    Agenda items for next meeting 
a.    The planning application for 43 caravans at the golf course. 
b.    Finalise Jubilee celebrations
c.    Footpath
d.    To put in place and update where necessary all policies and procedures the Council are required to have.

15.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – AGM. 
1930 hours Tuesday 10 May 2022

Meeting closed at 21.15 hrs.

I certify these minutes to be a true record of the meeting held on 8 March 2022. 

Signed:                Date: