Extraordinary Meeting 28 July

Addlethorpe Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Addlethorpe Parish Council held on 28 July 2022 at St Peters Hall, Ingoldmells at 1930 Hours 

Councillors present: Chairman N. Towers (NT), Vice Chair Cllr M Tait (MT), Cllr M Holyer (MH), Cllr G. Escott (GE), Cllr Roger Dawson (RD) and Kerry Culley (Nee Stafford) Clerk.

Also present: 3 members of the public. 

74.    Chairman’s welcome 
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting at 1930 hours and explained why the meeting had been called with regard to progress with acquiring the public footpath.

75.    Apologies for absence 
Cllr B Short was not present due to work commitments.  Cllr T Smith sent his apologies as he was away from home.

76.    To receive any declarations of interest 
No declarations of interest were received

77.    To receive and discuss the Transfer Deed for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath and to resolve that the Deed can be signed by two councillors on behalf of the Parish Council.

The Clerk took the Council through the proposed Transfer Deed and the changes advised to be made by the Council’s solicitor.  It was resolved that the Council accept the Transfer Deed with the recommended changes made by the Council’s solicitor. It was resolved that the Chair and Vice Chair will execute the final Transfer Deed, subject to no further amendments or additions being made to it. The Council discussed and considered what action should be taken with regard to reinstating the footpath and if the transfer was to be challenged by any adjacent property owner.  It was resolved that no action would be taken until the transfer was complete.

78.    To receive and consider the draft letter to ELDC Planning Office with regard to the points that have been allocated to Addlethorpe in determining its size as a medium village.

The Clerk and Chair updated the Council with regard to County Councillor Colin Davie’s approach to the issue of Addlethorpe being classed as a medium village.  Council then discussed the best approach for them to take with their letter to the Planning Department and went through the draft letter to amend it.  It was resolved the Clerk would implement the amendments for final consideration by the Council prior to sending it.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20.28 hours