8 February 2022

Tuesday 8 February 2022 at 1945 hours in the small hall, St. Peters Hall, High Street, Ingoldmells

Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Forum commencing at 1930 hours. Members of the public and press are welcome.  During the first 15 minutes members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. 

The council meeting will commence at 1945 hours or at the closure of the public forum – whichever is the sooner.

This notice summons all members of the council to attend or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity.  

Signed   Kerry Stafford             Kerry Stafford – Clerk to the Council        Dated   2 February 2022


43.     Chairman’s welcome - To receive introductory remarks from the Chairman

44.    Apologies for absence - To receive and approve apologies for absence

45.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations

46.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 11 January 2022 as a true record of the decisions made. 

47.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
i.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie.
ii.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

48.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
i.    Coastfields construction traffic
ii.    Use of S106 funding for village green works.
iii.    Winter Salt 

49.    Financial Matters  
i.    To authorise payment of accounts - Clerks salary and expenses £288.25
ii.    To authorise payment of LALC training
iii.    To authorise adding The Chairman and Clerk as signatories to the Parish bank accounts and remove two previous signatories.  To authorise change of correspondence and business address to the new clerk’s address

50.    Planning- To receive updates and discuss the following:
i.    S/002/01844/21. Change of use of land for the siting of 490 no. static caravans, erection of a reception building, erection of an assembly hall/leisure building, provision of a waste area, excavation of land to form a pond, construction of a vehicular access, pedestrian access and internal access roads with associated carparking and landscaping.
ii.    S/002/02618/21. Erection of a block of 2no. holiday cottages and a block of 5no. holiday cottages – The Grange, Church Lane
iii.    To consider what resolutions the Council may wish to make to put forward to the planning office as part of the review being undertaken.

51.    To receive and discuss an update on St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath

52.    To receive and discuss an update on the Bus Shelter

53.    To resolve to elect a new member for the Cemetery Committee 

54.    To note any correspondence received – Letter from member of public wishing to become involved with jubilee party

55.    To receive and discuss an update on plans for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and obtaining a marquee

56.    To receive and discuss an update on the website and what to include on it going forward

57.    Agenda items for next meeting -To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda.

58.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1945 hours. Tuesday 8 March 2022