27 September 2022


Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 1930 hours at the Council Offices, Skegness Road, Ingoldmells

Prior to the meeting there will be a Public Forum commencing at 1930 hours. Members of the public and press are welcome.  During the first 15 minutes members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. 
The council meeting will commence at 1945 hours or at the closure of the public forum – whichever is the sooner.

This notice summons all members of the council to attend or submit their apologies to the clerk at the earliest opportunity.  

Signed   Kerry Culley             Kerry Culley  – Clerk to the Council        Dated   7 September 2022


84.    Chairman’s welcome - To receive introductory remarks from the Chairman

85.    Apologies for absence - To receive and approve apologies for absence

86.    To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations

87.    To confirm the notes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 July 2022 and the notes of the extraordinary meetings held on 28 July and 30 August as true records of the decisions made. 

88.    To receive reports from outside bodies and other meetings
a.    To receive reports from LCC and ELDC Cllr. Colin Davie.
b.    Other Councillors reports from external meetings.

89.    To receive and discuss an update for St. Nicholas Close/ Rectory Lane Footpath 

90.    Planning
a.    To receive any updates and discuss the application for 490 caravans Mill Road
b.    To receive an update from Cllr Tait on the Neighbourhood Plan
c.    To receive an update and discuss the communications with the Community Planning Alliance on planning applications
d.    Letter to planning inspectorate

91.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding
a.    Further response added to planning portal
b.    Letter sent to ELDC regarding the criteria points allocated
c.    Draft letter asking planning not to take into account irrelevant letters
d.    Update on the Visit Lincs coastal enhancement project.
e.    Setting up of a facebook group for all 3 villages
f.    Letter from public to ELDC
g.    Kings Head planning applications
h.    Updating Standing Orders
i.    Update on shredder and printer

92.    Financial Matters – To authorise payment of accounts
a.    Clerk’s salary  - £234.60
b.    Weltons grasscutting - £96.00 & £192
c.    Resolve to purchase poppy wreath - £20

93.    Correspondence Received – email from St Peters Hall

94.    Inspection of Council Owned property

95.    To receive an update on the Jubilee trees from MT and resolve to purchase with the funding received

96.    To discuss Council Policy for Councillors dealing with approaches from potential developers and any other members of the public or press

97.    To resolve on whether the Council will move into closed session to consider the following confidential staffing and legal matters in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. Should this resolution be passed the public and press will be required to leave the meeting at this stage 
a.    To consider whether Council want to set up a separate Personnel Committee to deal with personnel issues
b.    To carry out an appraisal and the setting of the clerk’s salary for the next financial year

98.    To move into open session

99.    Agenda items for next meeting -To receive items for inclusion on the next meeting’s agenda. 

100.    To confirm time and date of next meeting – 1930 hours Tuesday 11 October 2022 at the council offices, Skegness Road, Ingoldmells